Fee Schedule

At Panyaden school fees and initial charges are reviewed annually, the information for each school year is released a few months before the term begins.

Initial Charges 

In addition to the ongoing fee payments for current students, the School applies the following initial charges during the application process and prior to any successful applicant starting their first term at Panyaden:

Application Fee: An application fee of THB 3,000 per child is payable upon submitting the application form. The application fee is not refundable.

Guaranteed Place Fee: Once a place is offered, parents must complete and return the Acceptance Email along with a Guaranteed Place Fee of THB 65,000 per child in order for the child's place to be secured. The Guaranteed Place Fee, which is non-refundable, includes a one-off payment of THB 65,000 admissions fee.

Refundable Deposit: A one-off Refundable Deposit of THB 5,000 (EYs and Primary level) or THB 15,000 (Secondary level) is payable and will be invoiced together with the Tuition fees prior to the student’s first term. The deposit conditions of refund are as follows:

  • upon the student's graduation (completion of Year 13) from the school; or
  • when advanced written notice is received at least 60 school days before the child leaves; or
  • when the school requires the applicant's departure for reasons other than disciplinary

School Fees

View tuition fees for the 2024-25

Fees are payable on a term-by-term basis and in advance. Discounts apply for families with 2 or more children enrolled at the school at any one time. A discount of 10% is applied for the 2nd child and 15% for the 3rd child onwards.