Secondary- Pre-IB (Year 10-11)
We aim to be one of the best academic schools Thailand has to offer, maintaining the standards we have set since our inception in 2011.
At Panyaden International School, we offer students the opportunity to complete their education from Early Years right through to High School graduation.
High School
Panyaden's high school programmes for students in Years 10-13 are dedicated to preparing students for the important challenges that lie ahead of them. To this end, there are two distinct phases to our high school experience: the pre-IB years of Year 10 and 11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13.
Panyaden International School is proud to offer two distinct, yet connected, educational programmes in Years 10-13. Our Pre-IB programme has been specifically designed for students in Years 10 and 11, and for our Year 12-13 students we offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), the world’s foremost upper high school curriculum. Each of these programmes is fully integrated with PYD’s three pillars:
- Academic Excellence
- Values-Based Education
- Green School
Read on to see how each of these programmes will help your child unlock their fullest potential!
The PYD Difference
Teaching the whole student is our top priority at Panyaden. We know that as children grow, they need exposure to as many different experiences as possible to challenge them and ignite their passions. We also know that to be most effective, learning must be personalized and enriched by the spark of creativity. To this end, the PYD Pre-IB Programme has been developed with breadth and balance in mind. The core academic areas (Math, Science, Language Arts, Language Acquisition, Social Studies) are joined by classes in Visual Arts, Music, Film, Theatre, Health and Physical Education, Life Skills, Buddhist Education, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning in the Pre-IB is focused around inquiry. We believe that students learn best when they have a personal stake in their learning when they can apply what happens in the classroom to their real-world experiences. Our expert, IB-trained teachers have developed the Pre-IB curriculum to make sure that we build upon the students’ prior knowledge and experiences while preparing them for success in the IBDP
We believe that assessment and feedback work together in a loop to help students become the best that they can be. Assessment in the Pre-IB is criterion-based, meaning that students are assessed academically in four separate categories, common to all subjects. This ensures that teachers can accurately communicate strengths and areas for improvement in multiple areas. In addition, we assess the students’ approaches to learning separately from academic attainment, so as to give a clearer picture of the entire student. As much as possible, assessment is modeled after the IBDP, so students have the opportunity to become comfortable with this model as soon as possible. We believe that the earlier students get prepared, the more successful they will be.
During pre-IB, students also have the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. Through this internationally recognised award students will experience adventures and challenges that will contribute to their physical and emotional development.
During their high school years, students are not only preparing for challenging external examinations, but are also developing the effective communication skills necessary to become true global citizens.
This will be accomplished by:
- Providing students with a wide range of learning strategies that address diverse learning styles and the unique academic needs of each individual
- Reinforcing the importance of culture, identity and sense of self
- Creating opportunities for students to collaborate with each other, so they continue to recognise and appreciate the importance of teamwork and team building
- Further developing effective communication skills that transcend nationality and embrace open-mindedness and diversity
- Establishing a learning environment that is conducive to building self-confidence and appreciation of the intrinsic value of all members of the school community
Paths to Graduation
Our school provides two pathways towards graduation: the IB Diploma and the Panyaden Academic Diploma. Students may pursue either one of these or both depending on the personal abilities and desired outcomes. All Panyaden graduates are fully prepared to move on to university or their next level of higher education. Before deciding on one of our two diploma options, it is important for parents and students to research university requirements for institutions in which they may be interested.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma is a demanding pre-university course of study that includes external examinations. The IB Diploma curriculum is a comprehensive, two-year programme that aims for students to share in an academic experience that emphasises critical thinking, intercultural understanding and exposure to a variety of perspectives. Students must receive a minimum of 24 points in order to graduate with an IB Diploma. The maximum possible number of points is 45 – a maximum of 7 points for each subject group and a maximum of 3 points for Theory of Knowledge (ToK) and the Extended Essay. Students are also required to fulfil the requirements of the CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) component of the IB Diploma. Students study towards three Higher Level (HL) and three Standard Level (SL) courses.
The Panyaden Academic Diploma is the culmination of a challenging, university-preparatory programme for students who plan to pursue higher education upon graduation. Courses include a range of offerings including English, modern languages, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, art and a variety of electives. A minimum of 24 credits is required to graduate with a Panyaden Academic Diploma. One year of coursework in one subject area is worth one credit. A Panyaden Academic Diploma is a minimum requirement for acceptance to universities globally including the United States and Canada. This diploma will also meet the requirements for acceptance to various higher education courses in Europe and other continents.
We openly welcome all enquiries from interested families throughout the year, so please feel free to contact us for more information, or to arrange a visit to Panyaden please apply for a school tour.